
Hello there, I am Saaiq Abdulla Saeed. AKA saaiqSAS. I am a self-taught Maldivian full stack developer with a pinch of graphics designing and good dose of cybersecurity experience. Currently, I am specialized in Java, Android and native web development. In simple words, I am a very technical person.

Now, you must have a basic idea of who I am and what I do. So, unless you really want to know the details about me you can stop reading now. Otherwise continue reading... or listening, if ‘text to voice’ is what you’re doing. Like I said, "a very technical person". Enjoy!!

From a very young age, or more specifically as long as I started to remember, I was always fond of ‘making’ things. What kind of things? Well, anything that came to my mind. Mostly some kind of a toy. At first, I began making origami. Which quickly evolved in to making ‘things’ out of cardboard, and soon out of wood. While making ‘toys’ out of these materials, I even managed to pickup some good knowledge on electronics and mechanisms. Not without the help of the Internet of course.

It didn’t take long before I started designing my own mechanisms and circuits for different purposes. And with the materials at hand, I was even able to make and test most of my mechanisms and designs. Did those work? Yes, most of them did, however none of them looked too appealing to the eye. You see, I was more of the ‘under the hood work’ type person and not really the ‘beautiful car body work’ person. However, over the past years I have become better at the ‘beautiful car body work’, hence my end products look as beautiful on the outside as well on the inside.

As time passed by, I became interested in… well, the term ‘hacking’. I began researching and ended up on the term ‘Linux’. What is that? I had no idea, not even the foggiest clue. Eventually with lots and lots of self-teaching and a hefty amount of time, I was finally well used to the Linux environment and knew more about the art of ‘hacking’, or as a more innocent name ‘penetration testing’. Plus, it didn’t hurt that I was playing ‘Watch Dogs’ at the time - Really good motivator to learn all of those ‘gorgeous’ technical knowledge which probably were way above my level. Unfortunately, all of these ‘gorgeous’ knowledge still wasn’t enough to even test out a trick.

At that time, I was basically a 'script kiddy'. Though I guess that’s pretty good considering the fact that I was only 13-years-old. Although, without knowing any details about networks and not one bit about programing, there wasn’t much possibility for anything serious like a career. So, I wanted to know more.

That’s when I started learning networking and the legendary HTML. Soon I added CSS and JavaScript into my arsenal, though I didn’t really do much with that at the time. Then about a year later I wanted to do something real, something big... like my own software... and yeah, an arsenal with only web languages and a couple of terminal scripting languages aren’t exactly what I needed for the kind of ‘big’ project in my mind. I needed a good robust programing language.

After some research I decided to start learning Java, and while at it, I started my first 'big' project – SAS-STE. That’s when I really began to focus on programing. After months of development, I was able to release ‘SAS-STE-Wizard’ – My first software. Soon after that, I started learning Android Development as I wanted to develop a mobile App for SAS-STE. And that I did. I made ‘SAS-STE-Mobile’ and released it.

Now, I had ‘HTML’, ‘CSS’, ‘JavaScript’, ‘Java’ and multiple terminal scripting languages in my arsenal followed by a good understanding of cybersecurity and networking. Soon I was even able to add graphics designing to my collection. With that I kept on developing and learning more and more. At the end, that’s exactly what I am still doing – developing and learning.

You know... if you don’t know any of the words or ‘technical’ terms mentioned in this ‘big description of who I am’, try searching them online. You’ll learn something... trust me.

So, who am I?... I am saaiqSAS.